
Thanks to the care of our wonderful strength trainers, Stacey and Courtney, we have traditional weights and, for those of you without gym access or weights in your home, body weights.  If there is an exercise that you are not capable of doing because of an injury, please ask one of the trainers for an alternative, so you don’t make your injury worse.  One of the most important things that we can all do this summer is listen to our bodies, so that we know when to push through difficulty in training, and when to give it a break.  Doing this can minimize injuries before the season starts, in addition to preventing further damage to existing injuries.  For those of you who have been around for a while, you will not be sending in your weight cards to Stacey.  By all means, though, if you happen to be at Bryn Mawr during the summer, feel free to stop by and let her know how you’re doing!

As with the plyometrics, click on the “picture” to make them bigger.  The files are included so that you can print them off.

Weights Work Out 2012-crew


Stacey assumes that you all know some good core exercises by now- get creative if you like, or ask a teammate if you’re not sure.  When in doubt, ask Stacey.  Calling or email will both let you get ahold of her.





BMC Summer_Body Weight_Workouts 2012




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