Week of July 23rd

Hey all!  Hope you’ve had a good week so far.  I’ve been keep at doing yoga and the body weight exercises, working on my car (more physically intensive than you’d imagine…), and chasing around rowers at my boathouse.  Please take not that we are back to lifting this week (if you have been following the schedule), and that we have less than 40 days left to Bryn Mawr return! (I know, exciting and depressing all at once!) Hopefully you’ve all kept hydrated, and have been staying in tune with any injuries you had prior to the summer starting.  Please make sure to update the captains and Coach if something has gotten worse, or developed, and maybe place a phone call to the trainers- they are in during the summer.  Lina is having her shoulder surgery this Friday, so let’s be sure to keep her in our thoughts this weekend.  I’m sure she’d love a hello from those of you who know her.


In the meantime, let’s hear from the rest of you- only two people per week have commented for the last two weeks- let’s get some more participation!  I know some of you are busy, and some don’t have internet access (or it is spotty), but the rest of you definitely have time for a two minute post once a week, even if you just say, “I’ve been following the workout schedule.”  Just check in with us so that we know how you’re doing- studies have shown that it is easier for a group (like a team) to continue on an exercise plan IF they have confirmation from the members of the group that everyone is exercising too.

An excellent quote at this point:

“Marathon runners talk about hitting ‘the wall’ at the twenty-third mile of the race. What rowers confront isn’t a wall; it’s a hole – an abyss of pain, which opens up in the second minute of the race. Large needles are being driven into your thigh muscles, while your forearms seem to be splitting. Then the pain becomes confused and disorganized, not like the windedness of the runner or the leg burn of the biker but an all-over, savage unpleasantness. As you pass the five hundred meter mark, with three-quarters of the race still to row, you realize with dread that you are not going to make it to the finish, but at the same time the idea of letting your teammates down by not rowing your hardest is unthinkable…Because what it takes to win races is the ability to reach inside and pull out something to keep you going.”

2 comments to Week of July 23rd

  • Marta Chmielowicz

    Hey ladies. I’ve been slacking on the schedule but biking like a maniac with my brother, around an hour a day on serious hills. I can’t wait to get back to you guys!

  • Julie Mazz

    Hey guys! So I’ve been (mostly) keeping up with the schedule, and also staying with my goal of running about every other day. On Saturday, I ran a 10k in Central Park, which I LOVED! I run there occasionally after work but I get so confused as to how far I’ve gone, so having mile markers along the route was fantastic. I had thought I was a soildly 10-minute miler, but I ended up running 9 minute miles!