Week of July 09th

(And the week before that as well)

Hey all!  I am so sorry I was AWOL last week and part of this week. Last week was a super busy week, and as some of you know, I got a stomach flu on Monday.  Goes to show you what happens when you hang out with small children too often! (JK… but actually)  So right now, we are almost halfway through summer training!  Everyone has posted to the blog at least once (I know a few of you have a spotty internet connection) and I am happy that you all check in every often, even though it would be great if you all posted once a week.  I am exited for all of your summer doings outside of the summer training as well!  It seems as though you guys are all doing a great job staying hydrated (super important, in light of the recent heatwave- some girl where I am from decided to go running when it like, 98 out, and she died because it was too hot out) and none of you have created new injuries!  Always a good thing.  Also, as you all know from the email, we’ll have Lina back in time for the spring season! (Cheers all around!) But in the meantime, let’s all work extra hard to be competitive this fall.  I cannot express how fortunate I count myself to have all of you as my teammates, because you are all dedicated and you work super hard to accomplish your goals, all with enthusiasm to boot.  Let’s keep it up through the next half!

Because I lack a gym membership, and by the time I get off the water in the morning, it is too hot to go running as of late, I have been doing indoor yoga and the body weight circuits.  How has everyone else been? Hope your 4th of July was fantastic! I got to watch the fireworks from the boathouse my island sits on.

An apt quote from Nike’s “Just Do It” series:

“All your life you are told the things you cannot do; all your life they will say you’re not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you’re the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. They will tell you no, a thousand times no, until all the no’s become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no quite firmly and very quickly. But you will tell them yes.”


P.S.: For your rowing/athletics amusement:




2 comments to Week of July 09th

  • Julie Mazz

    Hey everyone!

    I’m going to post now for the week because I know my exercising will be at a minimum this weekend (hooray 21st birthday weekend!).

    On Monday, I ran 6 miles instead of the tempo run (admittedly I’ve never done the tempo runs, because I don’t have access to a track here) and the pylo. Tuesday I did the body weight lifts, and Wednesday I did a 3 miler plus some of those jumpy things (I’m really good with terminology) on some flat rocks I found. Thursday I rested, and I just did 7? miles in Central Park.

    Have a great weekend!

  • Marta Chmielowicz

    Hey all,
    This week it’s been a little cooler so I biked around 4 miles a day with my brother for the first half of the week and then ran 2-3 miles a day every day since then.