Week of June 25th

Hey all! Sorry this is a little (ha, multiple hours..) later than usual in being posted.  I hope that all of you are staying hydrated- especially those of you out on the east coast this week.  Please be careful everyone- it is so easy to not realize that you are dehydrated.  Please also pay attention to your bodies- especially if you are injured!  I cannot say this enough- care and prevention can keep you out of the trainer’s room more often than not.

Let’s also keep up a positive outlook though- we ended the season in the best shape our team has ever been in as a whole, and we’d all like to keep it that way.  I know for sure the seniors would all love to beat the spandex off Mt Holyoke and Smith as Seven Sisters this year, and I am sure the rest of you would as well.  We’re coming into the middle stretch of the summer pretty quick here, and 5K pace is going to be crucial.  For those of you who joined in the spring, it will be a bit of an adjustment, but you’re all strong, capable women.  Let’s keep the momentum going and be faster than the competition!

Inspirational quote for the week comes from two WSU coxswain’s views on Crew:

In no other sport is the word TEAM so meaningful as in crew. Together in a shell, eight oars and eight sliding seats act as bindings – stroke to seven, seven to six, six to five… all the way to the bow. One rower’s demon haunts the entire boat; perfection in one oarsman means nothing. A set boat and solid row is achieved solely when eight minds think identically, eight bodies melt together to form one machine… You see, it’s not about winning or losing. It’s about competition with yourself – going out there to do your very best, to give it your all, to have nothing left. It’s about supporting your teammates, pulling for them when you have all but lost faith in yourself. Crew is a sport that demands all of these things. It is not a sport of fame; it is not a sport of popularity. Rowing is above all that. Rowing is a sport of purity and strength, constantly made better by you and I.

9 comments to Week of June 25th

  • Grace

    Hey beautiful team!

    So sorry about my complete absence from this blog – I just got back from a 5 week archaeological field school in Alaska where there was little to no internet access. Another girl on the dig was a cross country runner from U. of Minnesota, so we ran and did circuits together, plus lots of hiking and lifting heavy stuff.

    I’m probably going to spend a good potion of the rest of the summer up in Northern Michigan, where, again, I can’t count on internet. But you guys can count on me to continue running and circuiting and kayaking and such, I’m just not sure how much I’ll be posting about it.

    Hope summer’s treating you all well!

  • Caroline

    Hi all!

    I apologize for my lack of posts as well, and I’ll do a better job about keeping you all updated. 🙂

    On May 20, I ran my first marathon! So, I rested the week after and did some light training after that.

    I’ve been running, surfing, and kayaking the past 2 weeks. Monday and Tuesday I logged a total of ~7 miles. Tomorrow, I plan to row and do the tempo runs. 🙂

    All the best for this week, team!

  • Liz Jenkins

    Hi everyone,

    So this week I rowed on Monday and Wednesday and on Thursday I spent the majority of the day kayaking. On Friday I did not do an official work out, but I work at kayak shop and we reorganized boats at the warehouse, so I lifted a lot boats and it totally tired me out.

    Happy early 4th of July 🙂

  • Stephanie Ulloa

    Hi everyone! I did a lot of running this week! Ran the scheduled 1 mile under 8:45, which is HUGE for me! Keep up the hard work everyone!

  • Vanessa Felso

    Hey guys! This past week has been really insane for me. It was the last week of our official season with a home meet on Tuesday, and I was also preparing for the regionals meet which was over the weekend (with prelims on Friday). I’ve been working really hard at swim practice everyday and keeping up some P90X with my brother.

    My coach predicted that I would need to get my PR to qualify for the state meet, so I was disappointed when I didn’t. However I got third place and qualified for the meet in July (for Breaststroke). I’m really excited and the state practices begin in two weeks!!

    I’ve also been sculling and hiking for fun, and I passed my sculling test on Saturday, so I can row the nicer boats now (Yay!) Whoops, this message was a lot longer than I planned..

  • Marta Chmielowicz

    Hey so I’ve been really busy and it’s been ridiculously hot so I’ve been swimming every day and kayaking rather than doing the schedules workouts. Hope everyone is having a great summer.

  • Julie Mazz

    Hey everyone! Caroline and Vanessa: you guys are super impressive. Congrats to both of you! And great job to everyone else as well!

    I’ve been keeping up with the scheduled workouts, and I’m putting myself on an every-other-day running schedule, with 3-7 mile runs. I need to remember to do more core work though! I’m definitely slacking on that front.

    Stay cool in the ridiculous heat!

  • Elizabeth Fawcett

    Hi sorry for the late post but I have been biking for an hour everyday for the past two weeks. I also try a little bit of weight lifting at the gym.

  • Rachel Hager

    Hey y’all ! I was in Paris all last week, where I found it impossible to go to the gym when I went to bed at 1 in the morning (at the earliest), then woke up 6am every day. I walked everywhere while in Paris and I returned to the gym yesterday. I increased a lot of the weights today when I did the weight circuit, my body knows I’m not in Paris any more.
    Hope everyone is having a fantastic summer !