Week of June 18th

Ladies!  Lets try to make a push this week to be active AND to post about being active!  While we would love and encourage you to do the summer workout program, we would also love to her about non-crew related activities!  If you know of someone who is being active but hasn’t been posting, encourage them to post!  I know I have slipped a little, but having to take 5-1/2 long hour practice exams will do that to you…  I know sometimes it can be easy to forget to post- write yourself a post-it note reminder (or a reminder of any kind, really.)   I hope you all have been having productive as well as enjoyable vacations thus far, and Mazz and I really hope to see some of what you have been up to posted to the blog.

Alright- we can do this!  Let’s work our hardest and give it our all- remember, you’re not just doing this for yourself:  you’re doing this for everyone on the team too.  Let’s support each other.  The fastest crews are the crews whose members know that everyone in the boat will undoubtedly kill themselves on the oar every stroke, and that trust is what gets them through a race.  Let’s strive to become one of them- I know we can.  Let’s see it!


Marathon runners talk about hitting ‘the wall’ at the twenty-third mile of the race. What rowers confront isn’t a wall; it’s a hole – an abyss of pain, which opens up in the second minute of the race. Large needles are being driven into your thigh muscles, while your forearms seem to be splitting. Then the pain becomes confused and disorganized, not like the windedness of the runner or the leg burn of the biker but an all-over, savage unpleasantness. As you pass the five-hundred-meter mark, with three-quarters of the race still to row, you realize with dread that you are not going to make it to the finish, but at the same time the idea of letting your teammates down by not rowing your hardest is unthinkable…Therefore, you are going to die. Welcome to this life.” — Ashleigh Teitel

11 comments to Week of June 18th

  • Anna Brandtjen

    Hey guys- this morning I hopped out of bed and did the body weight circuit while I was waiting for the shower! Hopefully the rain will stay away today so that I can do an hour of “steady state” pace biking when I get back from class.

  • Marta Chmielowicz

    Hey guys! This morning I power walked for 40 minutes with my mom, went on a mile run, and did Stacey’s home weight circuit.

  • Vanessa Felso

    Hey everyone! Today I did the normal swim practice and also tried some P90X with my brother…boy, that stuff is tiring. My next swim meet is this Thursday, so this week I’ll be mostly working hard at swimming although I plan to continue throwing in other workouts to keep myself active.

  • Rachel Hager

    Hey y’all ! I’ve been naughty and not updated on this blog all summer, so here’s what I’ve been up to. I’ve been following the work-out schedule as well as running 5 or more miles a few times a week, biking on the hills, and trying to keep up with my little sister who will turn 8 on Saturday and never runs out of energy. I hope everyone is having a lovely summer !

  • Cristhel Santllan

    Hi Guys,

    I did two hours of excerise classes (zumba and kickboxing) and the body lift exercise yesterday. I haven’t been posting but I’ve been trying to do four 500 intervals 3 times a week as well the regular exercises.

  • Marta Chmielowicz

    Tuesday – 40 min powerwalk with mom, tempo runs
    Wednesday – some swimming, but a rest day
    Thursday – 15 min jump rope workout and the what’s my name workout on bodyrock.tv. I passed up on running today because it was 100 degrees outside but I’ll make up the 2 miles tomorrow.

  • Vivian Chang

    Hi all,
    Sorry for my lack of posts on this blog. This is my first time having access to the internet since leaving for Cusco, Peru a couple weeks ago. I have been trying my best to follow the training schedule (tempo runs & plyos) and have been running 2 miles at least twice a week. I am not sure when I will have access to a computer once again, but I will be posting more religiously once I return home in August. Hope all is well with everyone!

  • Elizabeth Fawcett

    This week I tried lifting once and completing one tempo run to prevent my injuries from worsening. For the rest of the week I cycled for an hour each day.

  • Stephanie Ulloa

    Hi everyone! I apologize for not keeping you all updated! This week I’ve done all the workouts and even played tennis and rollerbladed!
    Hope you’re all having a blast!

  • Marta Chmielowicz

    On Friday I did the home strength circuit and te bodyrock transform your booty workout. I did 686 high knees and 182 squats. Also will be doing yoga or something sometime today.

  • Liz Jenkins

    Hi guys, I know this post is late, sorry. So I rowed on Monday and Wednesday, then on Tuesday and Thursday I did spinning for an hour.